Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Community Services (MHLDC)

Map of MHLDC providers

The Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Community Services (MHLDC) provider collaborative is an opportunity for trusts to fully contribute to the ambitions and objectives of the Cheshire and Merseyside integrated care system (ICS).


Working together on behalf of their service users and the populations they serve, MHLDC will deliver the best possible experience and outcomes as part of the wider ICS.

They will work closely together with a philosophy of co-design, respecting everyone's roles and different approaches in service delivery.


The provider collaborative has the following strategic objectives to ensure that it fulfils the purpose for which is has been created. These objectives are:

  1. Enhance and level up community, mental health, and learning disability services to drive overall system transformation.
  2. Shift focus to community-based services over hospital care.
  3. Use data to tackle inequalities across the system.
  4. Improve financial position through collaborative efficiency.
  5. Be a trusted partner within the system and local areas.
  6. Adapt and transform the workforce to meet future health and care needs.

* Also a part of the CMAST provider collaborative


Further information

Meet the team

The MHLDC team is hosted by Bridgewater Community Healthcare Foundation Trust but work on behalf of all the provider collaborative partner organisations for the benefit of Cheshire and Merseyside ICS and its residents.

Tony Mayer

Provider Collaborative Director

Diane Nolder

Provider Collaborative Support Officer

Jo Shepherd

Provider Collaborative Workforce Director

Val McGee

Provider Collaborative Strategy Director

Emma Danton

Provider Collaborative Head of PMO and Transformation

Qazeem Faniran

Provider Collaborative Programme Lead

Liane Thorley

Provider Collaborative Support Officer

Carrie Woods

Virtual Wards Programme Manager

Ipsita Chatterjee

Interim Medical Advisor (Community Urgent Care Work Programme)